Conditions Treated

 First For Feet 

For additional information on our treatment plans, get in contact with our Dublin podiatry/chiropody clinic today.

Conditions Treated

Flat Feet

Flat feet, or fallen arches, is a condition where the arch of the foot rolls down toward the floor when a person is standing. Often the arch looks normal if the foot is lifted off the ground. Flat feet is normally a condition that a person is born with, but it can be acquired by injury or dysfunction.

Some people just have a low arch, but with the bones and joints in the foot normally aligned with each other. In a flat foot, the bones and joints are not in alignment. A flat foot has a distorted twisted alignment that strains the bones and the ligaments of the arch and may cause further ankle, knee hip and back pain.

Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles tendinitis is a common problem that causes pain at the back of the leg near the heel.There are several types of Achilles tendinitis.

The tendon can be inflamed in the outer part of the tendon and often appears swollen, it is painful to squeeze with your fingers and can be painful when you are walking or running.

The centre of the Achilles tendon can degenerate or have tears. This type of Achilles tendinitis is more painful.

The heel bone can develop bone spurs where the Achilles tendon joins the bone. This is called insertional Achilles tendinitis.

Bunions and Hammer Toe

A Bunion is a common problem that most people experience as a bony protuberance at the base of the big toe. The problem, however, is more complicated than simply a bump. Bunions are most commonly due to the big toe angling in towards the other toes, a condition called hallux valgus.

Plantar fasciitis/Heel pain

This is a common condition that affects 1 in 10 people in their lifetime. It can be debilitating for some, we offer a wide range of Treatments from footwear, stretches, physical manipulation foot orthotics.

For more information on our lower limb conditions treatment plans, get in contact with our Dublin podiatry clinic today.

Ankle pain / Tibialis posterior tendonitis

Ankle pain is often due to an ankle sprain but can also be caused by ankle instability, arthritis, gout, tendonitis, fracture, nerve compression (tarsal tunnel syndrome), infection and poor structural alignment of the leg or foot.

Ankle pain can be associated with swelling, stiffness, redness and warmth in the involved area.


Posterior tibial tendon injury (posterior tibial tendonitis) is one of the more common injuries  occurs when the posterior tibial tendon becomes inflamed or torn.

The posterior tibial tendon provides support to the arch of the foot and gives stability when walking. Also known as the tibialis posterior tendon, it attaches the calf muscle to the bones of the inside of the foot.


The tendon is located at the back of the leg and passes underneath the inside knob of the ankle bone (medial malleolus) and then inserts onto a small bone in the arch of the foot called the

navicular. The posterior tibial tendon helps to invert the foot (turn the foot in). Posterior tibial tendonitis injury may involve inflammation, overstretching, or even rupture of the tendon.

Intoeing for children

Intoeing, commonly referred to as being pigeon-toed, happens when children walk with their feet turned in. It’s a common condition that can be present at birth or develop in young children.

Intoeing usually doesn’t cause pain or prevent a child from learning to walk or run and often corrects itself. Most children’s feet gradually straighten out as they grow older and their walking and running improves.


If the condition continues and is left untreated, it can lead to complications including:

  • An unbalanced gait (way of walking) that can cause strain
  • Reduced athletic ability because of problems running and jumping
  • Foot deformities including bunions, hammertoes and flat feet

Forefoot pain / Metatarsalgia

Metatarsalgia is a condition in which the ball of your foot becomes painful and inflamed. You might develop it if you participate in activities that involve running and jumping.

There are other causes as well, including foot deformities and shoes that are too tight or too loose. Although generally not serious, metatarsalgia can sideline you.

Midfoot pain

Midfoot pain is concerned with the middle of the foot where the small tarsal bones are located. Pain in the middle of the foot can develop gradually through overuse, or suddenly following direct trauma such as a sprained ankle.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I need a GP Referral to schedule an appointment?

    No. You can schedule an appointment directly at our Dublin podiatry clinic?

  • Is the First For Feet covered by the medical card?

    Certain Chirpoday services are covered by the medial card. For information on what these services are, get in contact with our clinic today.